Voter Engagement

Building Power, Building Leaders, Building Community

Why does Voter Engagement matter?
According to recent voter maps using recent election data, the Brooklyn Park-Brooklyn Center region, often referred to as "Brooklyn’s," has 86,811 eligible voters. However, fewer than 23,000 are registered to vote. Similarly, voter turnout remains low, with precincts in the area reporting turnout rates between 18% and 54%. This low voter participation significantly hampers the community's influence in policy making and their ability to address key social issues. The low turnout stems from systemic challenges that make voting less accessible.
Voter engagement is integral to ACER’s focus areas of housing, economic development, and health. ACER believes that an individual's voting behavior is shaped by a lifetime of personal experiences. Therefore, changing these behaviors requires intentional relationship-building efforts. For a community to fully embrace civic processes, they need to address pressing issues such as housing, health, and economic challenges, which will help restore confidence in the power of civic engagement.